Everyone you see on our website is a real person who has taken part in a JoyRiders activity!
Sharing your experience helps us to get more people riding. Let us know what you think about our led rides and learn to ride events and tell us how you ride your bike now so that we can apply for more funding and spread the word about JoyRiders.
If you have signed our case study or photography/video consent form or have consented to allow us to take and store photos and videos of you or a child you are responsible for, here's a reminder of what that consent form looked like.
What are you consenting to?
By filling in and singing this form, you give JoyRiders permission to:
If you change your mind and would like us to remove your information and photos/videos from our storage, you should email info@joyriders.org.uk and let us know.
You also told us that you were over 16 and have legal capacity to sign the agreement/give tick box consent without the consent or knowledge of any other person.