16 January 2025
New year, new website, new booking system! As our groups have grown over the past nine years, we've been able to offer more ways to get riding than ever before! But, we're starting to out-grow our current booking system (eventbrite). We're now trialling a new booking system for our Waltham Forest rides, with the intention to roll this out across all of our rides and learn-to-ride sessions when all of the bugs have been squashed. Creating an account on the new booking system means that you won't have to enter your information every time you want to book onto a ride/learn-to-ride session. Please report any bugs you experience with the new system to info@joyriders.org.uk and, if you have an idea for a fun name for the new system, let us know that too! To book: Signup here . Log in here . Frequently asked questions: How do I book my children/friends onto rides? If you're also booking for children or friends, you will have to create separate accounts for them. You can use the same email address to do this (this may change). Something's not working right?/I've spotted a bug in the system. Please bring this to our attention!! We've done some user testing, but we're still in the bug-finding stage. Please can you email us with a description of the problem/error and send us a screenshot too if you have one: info@joyriders.org.uk. What will happen to eventbrite? Are you turning off eventbrite? The plan is to eventually stop posting everything to eventbrite. We will probably list our one-off events on eventbrite as well as the new system after the switchover. When will you make the full switch over to the new system? We don't know when we're going to make the full switch to the new system. It's likely that we will phase it in through our groups and services slowly when people have had enough time to give their feedback and the bumps have been smoothed out.