We Run on Volunteer Power!

Are you passionate about cycling and want others to experience its joy? Then volunteer with us! We are looking for friendly, experienced cyclists. You will be trained by us: We have developed a six-module online program, including first-aid-training, and we will meet you for a ride assessment.

Your role will be:
- help participants sort out their bike (adjust saddle height, make sure tyres are pumped and the bike is fit)
- explain the route to them
- explain basic rules (don´t ride too close to parking cars, be assertive, stay close together as a group)
- lead the ride either in the front or as a backstop
- be encouraging and approachable!

If you prefer to be behind the scenes, you could become one of our organisers, for example setting up rides on Eventbrite, promoting them on social media, reaching out into the community such as local authorities or employers.

email info@joyriders.org.uk to find out more.
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